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Newscast #9 - Ashley Rogers - Spring 2017

What an emotional week it has been…

It kicked in a little as I was preparing for my last WVU News show. All I could think about was “It’s really coming to an end.”

The last show signifies pretty much the end of undergrad. I’m pretty much finished with other classes and now that this one is over, all I can think about is graduation. 

Graduation is next month and then? Adulting. 


Anyway, let’s talk about the show. This week’s show was our special edition show, 100 Days in Trump Country. All of the stories focused on Trump’s first 100 days in office and specifically how the administration affects West Virginia. 

I think we had some really great stories. We ended up making the show about ten minutes longer because there was just so much to choose from. We worked on the show all Thursday night. We picked the stories, stacked the show, and wrote some SOT TZs over. 


Over the weekend I worked on the script. I was doing so much research and I think I was a little in over my head. I let “special edition” get to me. I had to realize that it was still a regular show, it was just a show centered on one topic. I kept think “Ok, the script has to be perfect.” And when I think like that I tend to get writers block. After a while, I just sat down and wrote the script as if it was a regular show and it went well!

I got a little emotional when we were doing our fixes because I thought “this is really over.” 

On show day I was super nervous I cannot lie. But we got a good take and then took a little break. I think after the break everyone got a little tired and off track. We filmed one more but it wasn’t as good as our take before that. We used up all of our time but it was worth it being our competition show. 

Now we have to prepare our resumes and reels and get ready for graduation…yay =(

    set                                           set                                                                                               
