Sports' Blog

Newscast #10 - Andrew Caridi - Spring 2017

When I think about WVU News, I can’t seem to pinpoint what makes the class so unique and memorable. One cliché that you’d probably hear is how difficult and intensive the work is, and how much pressure is on oneself. Fully expecting this heading into class, my perception was completely flipped about a month in.

It might be the people. The classmates you spend countless hours shooting and editing with evolve from strangers to great friends in what seemed to be no time. You share stories out in the field, good or bad, and there’s a level of the relatable experiences you can’t get anywhere else. We’re all in it together for better or for worse.  Class

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Newscast #9 - Hannah Goetz - Spring 2017

Here we are… The last story… the last show of the semester, and of my time at WVU. I can’t believe how fast four years can go! But we will go into that later. 

The second to last show of the semester is our Special Edition show. The show would cover President Trump’s first 100 days in office. So obviously everyone had to do a story on something Trump related. So there is an issue here for Andrew Caridi (Another WVU News sports reporter) and myself. You can’t exactly walk into a media conference for spring football practice and say, “Hey coach so what are your opinions on Trump?” So I needed to come up with a creative way to pull this off. 

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Newscast #8 - Andrew Caridi - Spring 2017

I can’t believe that this is the second to last week of filming WVU news. As fast as its gone, it’s that much closer to being over. I’ve covered my first stories on smaller sports like rifle, or women’s basketball, but this week it was time to do something more challenging. The WVU football season is right around corner, and spring football is right here right now.


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Newscast #7 - Hannah Goetz - Spring 2017

This story was one I was looking forward to covering all semester. The 2017 Once a Mountaineer Always a Mountaineer Day of Play! The Day of Play is an event where current and former WVU athletes return to Morgantown to play with the kids and show them that getting up to move can be fun!

    day of play 

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