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Newscast #6 - Glenn Kittle - Fall 2019

For our last show, we did a special edition newscast on mental health. I was very excited to delve into this topic because I myself had mental health issues as a student-athlete in high school. I was able to schedule an interview with sport psychologist Dr. Dayna Charbonneau to talk more about the mental health issues that Division I athletes experience daily. 


I learned a lot about the struggles that athletes go through from Dr. Charbonneau and started to edit my package. Although it wasn’t the most visual story, I pulled clips from older packages to give my story a little more life. It was a late night doing this one; I was almost up until four in the morning. But I’m really excited to see how it turned out.

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The last show went amazing as usual. It was bittersweet, but overall WVU News was one of the best experiences of my life. I want to thank everyone from production, to the TAs, to Professor Dahlia for making this class worthwhile. I’ve learned so much from so many people and I can’t thank everyone enough for the constant support they have given to me this final newscast. Hopefully I get to work with my fellow newsies in the future.
