Producers' Blog

Newscast #5- Isaac Zivkovic- Fall 2017

      For Newscast 5 I think the greatest challenge, or maybe the greatest lesson, across the board was patience. There was adequate time, packages were either well shot or well salvaged, and compared to Newscast 4 we had more people stepping up and showing me better packages than they’ve had all semester. But somehow, I feel less satisfied by this Newscast than I recall feeling about some others. A feeling which I have yet to decide is merited or not.

      Several people already had stories in motion, if not entirely filmed, in time for the meeting where pitches were given. We also had a special visitor, Emily Callandrelli, who discussed what putting stories together was like from her perspective. A unique background to be sure. I and many of my peers were surprised to learn that her education involved little or no media training. I think that many of us knew the lines were somewhat blurred in the job market according to experience and skill but this seemed a dramatic jump between science and media. To me the implications for the range of possibilities on the job market, the maneuverability, was pretty exciting.

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