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Newscast #3- Macy Senge- Spring 2018

Newscast three is finished, and I think it was our best yet, for many reasons. The reporters have made a huge improvement all the way around. Their stories, stand-ups, voiceovers and editing skills are all so much better than they were at the start of the year. Usually, we struggle to find enough good packages to make show. Once, we didn’t even have any stories to use for BOR.

Now, we were struggling to decide who would make show because there were so may good packages. I’m so happy and proud to witness this change. It makes my job harder, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The work and dedication they put into their stories and this class is inspiring. 


Seeing them do better makes me want to do better, too. This week, Professor Dahlia held all of the conferences. I think this helped a lot, and gave the reporters a better understanding of how to execute their stories. On Thursday, Professor Dahlia had to leave for break early, so this meant Kassy Taylor and I were on our own. I was definitely nervous.

Kassy and I did the critiques. Now that we both got the hang of it, I think we did a really good job working together and finding the mistakes in each package. We spent hours on going through them all. With her help, we decided on who made show and BOR, and it was time for the script.

This is what I was most nervous about. Professor Dahlia always helps me with the rundown, and now I had to do it by myself, without her even checking it over. I spent a lot of time comparing my rundown to previous ones, and rereading over the feedback I was given. The script was getting easier to write, but I had to leave for break too, so this time I was on a time limit. I did the best I could to do it and to do it good. I sent it off to Kassy right as I was boarding my plane.


On Monday, the script and packages were finalized. On Wednesday, we had a new issue to face. We had gotten some snow, and Professor Dahlia couldn’t make it to the show. The teamwork I saw was amazing. Students helped give rides to those who’s cars wouldn’t make it. The whole class stepped up and fell into their roles quickly so we could get out before the roads got worse. Kassy also stepped in for Dahlia and took charge.


Taping went smoothly. The anchors were completely prepared, thanks to rehearsals. They sounded better than ever. Everyone in the control room and on cameras are now comfortable with their positions. Everyone in the control room helps each other, so we had very few mistakes. It was time to get serious and show what we got, and that’s what we did.

 Tyler Channel was there filming for our anniversary piece, so I’m excited that this moment was captured. I think it was a milestone for our class. Our next newscast will be entered into a competition and it’s our special edition, and now I’m confident that we will place.
